In my free time, I enjoy solving programming challenges for a few reasons:
- To develop my problem-solving skills,
- To practice using algorithms and data structures, and
- The satisfaction of solving a challenge.
Here are the problems on LeetCode to which I have submitted accepted solutions:
- [Medium] 567 - Permutation in String
- [Medium] 655 - Print Binary Tree
- [Medium] 739 - Daily Temperatures
- [Medium] 795 - Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum
- [Medium] 873 - Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence
- [Medium] 1026 - Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor
- [Medium] 1291 - Sequential Digits
- [Medium] 1306 - Jump Game III
- [Medium] 1487 - Making File Names Unique
- [Hard] 295 - Find Median from Data Stream
Here are some of the problems on HackerRank to which I have submitted accepted solutions:
- [Easy] Chocolate Feast
- [Easy] Service Lane
- [Easy] Cavity Map
- [Easy] Caesar Cipher
- [Easy] Sherlock and The Beast
- [Medium] Forming a Magic Square
- [Medium] Climbing the Leaderboard
- [Medium] Extra Long Factorials
- [Medium] Non-Divisible Subset
- [Medium] The Grid Search
Data Structures
- [Easy] Left Rotation
- [Easy] Print the Elements of a Linked List
- [Easy] Insert a Node at the Tail of a Linked List
- [Easy] Tree: Preorder Traversal
- [Easy] Tree: Postorder Traversal
- [Easy] Tree: Inorder Traversal
- [Easy] Tree: Height of a Binary Tree
- [Medium] Sparse Arrays
- [Medium] Cycle Detection
- [Medium] Tree: Huffman Decoding
- [Easy] Strings
- [Easy] Structs
- [Easy] Class
- [Medium] Attribute Parser
- [Medium] Inherited Code
- [Medium] Exceptional Server
- [Medium] Virtual Functions
- [Medium] Deque-STL
- [Medium] Hotel Prices
- [Hard] Abstract Classes - Polymorphism
- [Easy] Say "Hello, World!" with Python
- [Easy] Python If-Else
- [Easy] Arithmetic Operators
- [Easy] Python: Division
- [Easy] Loops
- [Easy] Print Function
- [Easy] List Comprehensions
- [Easy] Find the Runner-Up Score!
- [Easy] Nested Lists
- [Medium] Write a Function
- [Easy] Employee Salaries
- [Easy] Type of Triangle
- [Easy] Population Census
- [Easy] African Cities
- [Easy] Average Population of Each Continent
- [Medium] The PADS
- [Medium] Occupations
- [Medium] Binary Tree Nodes
- [Medium] New Companies
- [Medium] The Report